Getting Started With TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect
Welcome to TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect! Use TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect to simplify your data integration with TIBCO's cloud-based service. Find the information you need to get started here.
Note: You may not have access to all of the features described in this documentation. Access depends on the services your company has purchased and whether or not you are a TIBCO Partner. For more information on your TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect Subscription, contact TIBCO Sales.
To start using TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect:
- Review the requirements for using TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect. See Requirements.
- Install an agent to run your apps for integrating and replicating data. See Installing A TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect On-Premise Agent or Provisioning A TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Connect Cloud Agent.
- Install Connectors for the datastores you want to access for integration or replication. See Marketplace Connectors.
- For each Connector you install, configure a Connection to the associated datastore to access data for integration or replication. Each Connection has a unique configuration depending on the requirements to log into the third party application. To locate the appropriate help topic for your Connector, see the Table of Contents in the Connectors Guide.
- Create apps and flows to integrate your data. See the following: